The family is seated at the table, tummies are rumbling, and a meal is prepared from scratch and made with love. Just as your about to dig into this freshly made dinner the first thing that the kids say are: “Mummy I don’t like this”, “I’m not … [Read more...]
What is hair? Believe it or not, each strand of hair is made up of a range of interlocking cells that are dead and have no regenerative properties. Each hair grows from a hole known as a follicle which lies below the skin of your scalp. The … [Read more...]
WHAT IS VITAMIN D? Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamin as it contributes to strong bones, muscles and overall health. It is present in most tissues and cells in the body. The best source of Vitamin D is through sun exposure however can … [Read more...]
Movember: Men’s Health Under the Microscope
By now, you have probably heard of Movember- where men collectively grow a mustache in the month of November to bring awareness to men’s health issues. With an average life expectancy lower than women, statistics show that men suffer more illness … [Read more...]
Resistance Exercise May Help High-Risk Drinkers
"It's disappointing there were no acute effects on cravings in line with other studies," Adrian Taylor, PhD, professor of health services research, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom, told Medscape Medical … [Read more...]
Maternal SSRI Use Linked to Speech, Language Disorders Nancy A. Melville October 14, 2016
The average age of diagnosis for speech/language disorders among the children was 4.4 years; for scholastic disorders, 3.5 years; and for motor disorders, 7.7 years. In addition to having a large sample size and 14-year follow-up, the … [Read more...]
Testosterone Therapy: “Significant Reduction” in Heart Attack, Stroke Risks
Summary: Large-scale Veterans Affairs database study reaffirms safety and benefits of testosterone replacement, in men. A US Veterans Affairs database study of more than 83,000 male subjects found that men whose low testosterone was restored to … [Read more...]
Anti-Inflammation for Anti-Aging
Posted on Sept. 11, 2015, 6 a.m. in Longevity Inflammation To live 100+ years, management of inflammation helps the body ward off diseases. Severe inflammation is an aspect of many aging-related diseases, and the lifelong … [Read more...]
Minerals for Memory & Mood
Posted on April 21, 2015, 6 a.m. in Women's Health Brain and Mental Performance Minerals Supplemental iron and zinc can help to improve cognitive skills and enhance mood, among women who are deficient in these minerals. Iron is … [Read more...]
Mighty Mineral: Magnesium
Posted on Sept. 9, 2015, 6 a.m. in Metabolic Syndrome Dietary Supplementation Minerals Dietary supplementation of magnesium may lower blood sugar and combat insulin resistance. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential to hundreds of … [Read more...]